Wednesday, March 22, 2006

beat down

there is this game or activity or whatever you may want to call it that i play with my daughters on my bed. or perhaps i should call it our “ring.” they request it often. it’s called a beat down.

the game basically consists of the girls standing on the bed, making intimidating movements and maneuvers, and shouting things like “tai kwan do” with conviction. their eyes are squinted and focused and they are ready to do battle. now, they know the whole time that when they attack, i will basically body slam them back onto the bed. but on occasion, they are able to elude my polished skills and tackle me (both of them working together). they pull me onto the bed and do whatever they can to keep me there. i let them have their satisfaction, and will play along for a bit, but when i’m ready to escape, all i need to do is tickle them. actually, i tickle the very life out of them. their laughter is uncontrollable. it’s spontaneous. it’s glorious. and i always win (at least from my perspective). they know i will win. which is a bit odd to me, because they hate to lose at most everything they pursue. but with this game, they don’t mind.

i wish that i could approach life this way. you know, staring it down with focus, knowing the whole time that i will most likely fail. and yet enjoying the experience. enjoying the body slams. enjoying the laughter. enjoying it all.

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