Friday, March 10, 2006

a leader without a home

i passed by a homeless man yesterday and the sign he held in his hands caught my attention. it said, “homeless. running for president. he has the job i want.”

and immediately i began to think about the idea of such a person running our country. what a refreshing thought. a man who probably had a better idea of community than most of us. a man who would be more concerned about caring and providing for others rather than pleasing them. a man who could identify with the urgency of life’s needs – understanding the differences between necessity and desire. a man who had set aside his pride (days, weeks, months, or years ago) to stand on a busy street corner and ask for help. a man full of life experiences.


and what a great example for the rest of us. i viewed him as a leader that we could all admire and look up to.

then i thought about another leader i’ve heard of. one who walked and talked and healed and listened and cared for and nurtured and taught and loved all those he encountered. and i remembered that he was also without a home.

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