Friday, April 14, 2006

needing to hear

i was at a target store with my daughters the other day and had a brief, but sweet conversation with the woman who helped to check us out. nothing deep, but the kind of conversation that moves beyond the surface and actually engages one another.

my oldest daughter observed this. and as i pushed our cart out of the store – with one munchkin sleeping and hunched over in the front and the other fully alert and observant, riding on the back – my oldest daughter said, “she was a nice woman.” and then she looked me dead in the eye and continued, ““you’re a nice man. no, you’re a fun man.”

my heart melted. and i asked, “why do you say that.”

she answered, “lots of dads are serious. they’re boring. but you take us places and spend time with us. you’re fun.”

thanks kiddo. you have no idea how much i need to hear that.


Anonymous said...

Words are powerful, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

you are a good, fun, dear friend too.