Wednesday, April 05, 2006

true friendship

“i will teach you all my foolishness.
and you must teach me yours.”
kasturba gandhi


Anonymous said...

My mind works in weird ways! I appreciate the meaning of this quote and understand that we learn the most when we realize we are but fools in the big scheme of things.

But my mischeivous mind spun the words (for fun) and I got this: "I will fool you with my 'teach-i-ness' and you fool me with yours." Sounds like some facets of the modern day church!

peripheral in africa said...

interesting thoughts. yes, i think we are easily fooled. we are human.

i think i liked this quote simply because it implied spending time with one another. sharing with one another. and it implied a sense of transparency – of not being too self-conscious about what it was that was being shared.

Anonymous said...

I seek transparency and it's so hard to find.

I aim to be transparent and it's so hard to do.

But when we find it and we are it--it's truly amazing! Especially if we find it and are it at the same time!