Sunday, September 24, 2006

questions (one of three)

do things happen for a reason?
or do things happen by chance?

i think that everything happens for a reason. but there are different reasons. things present themselves as one of the following – a blessing, a test, or a distraction. and the bugger of it all is to figure out which is which.

we are all on a journey and many things and people and circumstances cross our paths. are they good things for us to receive and enjoy? are they things that are testing us to make us better individuals? or are they distractions that are meant to disrupt our journey? if we can figure out which is which, and then act accordingly, i think we can live very healthy and happy lives. if we don’t, then it becomes very easy to find ourselves in pain – burdened by guilt and hurt and doubt and hopelessness.

we can certainly mess things up. and we do. we mess things up all of the time. but i also believe that god can take any and all of our mistakes and turn them into something good. he can use any circumstance to make us better – even when we’ve jacked the whole thing up. god is oozing with grace. and we need to do the same. both for others and for ourselves. and i believe that this grace can provide us with the confidence that we need to get up, dust ourselves off, and get back on the path set out for us. we may need to go a different way. it may take a bit longer to get where we are going. but we can (and should) continue the journey. we can continue to move forward. and because of this, i think that there can always be a good and happy ending. a different ending than what was planned or expected? perhaps. but still a good and happy ending.

why do i believe this? because i’ve heard so many stories that confirm it. in fact, i even have my own stories to confirm it.

1 comment:

ttm said...


God is a master author--able to take any character or subplot and weave it into His happy ending. It's amazing, really.

Knowing there will be a satisfying ending is comforting, but enduring each twist and turn of what seems a crazy plot can be exhausting and overwhelming--especially to those of us who keep trying to label the story's components.

Like you are wisely doing, I guess we must consider the author's reputation and then just enjoy the story for what it is.