Sunday, September 16, 2007

small moment number one

my youngest daughter has started a journal of "small moments" as part of a routine for her second grade class. it's a pretty sweet idea where you log tiny moments of impact – random moments of impact – with the idea that one day, you will revisit them and utilize them as the inspiration for longer writing assignments.

i've decided that i would like to participate in this simple practice. here is my first attempt.

small moment number one. i'm eating lunch at the dining room table with my two daughters. and as my youngest daughter and i are engaged in a very deep discussion about who received more corn than the other. i explain that even though i may have received more in my first serving than she did, in fact, she received more in her second serving than i. with proud and conspiring eyes, and a look of satisfaction on her face, she responded, "good." it was her moment of victory. a moment where she came out ahead. and although i want to ensure that i do everything i can to help her understand that winning isn't always everything, i recognized this moment of playfulness and chuckled in unison with my oldest. may i never grow tired of eating a meal around the table with my daughters. the magnificent munchkins.

small moment number one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.